Work with me

Life coaching that empowers to think deeper, aim higher, and go further.

  • Find what truly matters to you

  • Step into your power and resourcefulness

  • Create what works uniquely for you

1-1 coaching

Lead your life with reason and grace

Gain clarity, overcome resistance and step into your unique potential.

  • Break free from what is holding you back

  • Get to the bottom of the matter

  • Use your experience and strengths to move in a positive direction

  • Act with reason and grace

I will tailor the coaching process based on your particular goals and aspirations. Just as every situation is different, so are the ways it can be addressed. ART.DE.NOUS honours a co-creative and personalised approach, which always centers on what serves you best in a given moment.

For the coaching process to be effective and bring durable value, one session although valuable is not enough. Deeper awareness and shift requires a longer commitment with regular meetings. The exact format, duration and frequency ultimately depends on your goals and what feels right to you.

Prices & Packages

  • Single session (90 min) - 200 EUR

  • 5 sessions - 875 EUR

  • 10 sessions - 1500 EUR

book a free call
I felt stuck and confused about my future. This was affecting my performance at work and Justina gave me her support to release those feelings.
Justina helped me to explore my blocks, my experiences and feelings. She made me feel comfortable and showed interest for my wellbeing in each session, feeding the sensation that I was in a safe space. Our dialogue was really open, therefore we managed to discuss the outcomes of each session with honesty, improving the entire process. I achieved the goals that I set at the beginning of the process, leaving me empowered. I feel grateful that I had the opportunity to work with Justina as her approach gave me the instruments to change my general attitude not only within a specific context but also in other situations too.
– Laura C., psychologist, Italy
Success story
I started coaching with Justina when I felt stuck about how I was managing my business and daily life. Although everything seemed in order I felt something was missing and I wanted to find ways to “upgrade”.
Working with her has helped me to notice my own biases and how I was limiting myself. Her observations and comments brought a lot of insight and changed my whole perspective. She has a way to to really listen and notice what is in between the lines. I learned things about myself I hadn’t been aware of before and was able to make some important changes. It has been a transformative experience.
– Nicolas, D., entrepreneur, Netherlands
Success story
Justina has been my coach for over a year now and I am so immensely grateful to have such an amazing support.
She is always so present, caring, fully there for me and creates a beautiful space in our sessions where I feel at ease to share vulnerably what is present for me, challenges in my life that I need support with; space where I feel seen, understood and can be fully myself. The clarity and reflections after every session have helped me to connect deeper to myself and move forward in life and in my business with much more ease, confidence and grace. And I absolutely love the embodiment work that we do in our sessions! Thank you Justina for your amazing skills, presence and absolute care. I am so beyond grateful to have such an incredible coach by my side!!
– Margaryta LR, fashion & Luxury, US
Success story
I came to Justina at a time when I felt confused about making the right decisions in my career, whilst adjusting to living in a new country.
With her support, I was able to align my values to the vision of my future career as well as finding calm in a tumultuous moment. I especially enjoyed being guided to connect with my feelings and sensations as we were exploring different topics. I particularly appreciated that when she perceived I was feeling positive about a personal area in my life, she helped me to notice that and find inspiration in that positive experience. It is so easy to only focus on the challenges one is facing, but I found that connecting to what makes us glow is even more empowering.
– Vania R., fashion designer, UK
Success story
Every so often you have the fortune of meeting someone who is clearly aligned with their purpose.
You will know this as there will be an effortless mastery this person displays, as they demonstrate their craft with grace and ease. They will likely have a calm demeanor and their way of connecting and sharing what they do best will feel as if this person was put here, for you, it will just fit. If you have the pleasure of connecting with Justina as your Coach, this will be your experience as it was mine.
– Sonny T., executive coach, UK
Success story
I reached out to Justina for life coaching sessions as I was working on my career transitions. I wasn’t sure where to start.
Justina had a way to help me look into my true values and ask questions that shift my perspectives – the ones that challenge you and facilitate growth! Having had Justina to hold me accountable along my personal development journey, I am very happy about my progress!
– Mavis L., hospitality, UK
Success story

More than coaching

ART.DE.NOUS is about finding that point where intention and outcome, possibility and limitation, potentiality and reality meet.

When you find the place of balance on the continuum between opposites, you discover yourself and your unique way forward.
More about Our Philosophy

How does it work?

ART.DE.NOUS is 1-1 coaching experience, which is tailored around your unique situation and personal goals.
Learn more
1. Intention
Gain clarity on what you want and set your goals around that vision.
2. Exploration
Make meaning of your experience and get past your own resistance to allow more freedom, possibility and inspiration into your frame of life.
3. Strategy
Find motivation in your ideals and flow into action knowing exactly what you need to do. 
Learn more

Frequently asked questions

If you still have questions, these answers may assist you.

Should I choose coaching or therapy?
What is coaching?
Where do we coach?
Is it the right fit for me?
Do you offer payment plans?

Schedule a free session

During this session we will talk about your hopes and needs in relation to coaching.
During this session you will:
  • set clear intentions for coaching;
  • get all your questions answered;
  • understand how our process can help you;
  • see if we are a good match.
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